Sync Your Cycle

Our menstrual cycle has 4 different phases, and we can feel very different from phase to phase. We can work with our phases to know when we feel strong and when we need to rest.

Winter - The Menstrual Phase

The Menstrual phase is when your period starts to flow fully (not spotting) this is when if you are not pregnant your uterine lining starts to shed. Hormones are quite low at this point, but FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) is being produced by the pituitary gland and it stimulates the follicles (fluid filled sacs that contain an egg) in the ovary.

This is a time of retreat for most of us, a time when we can take things easy, you are vulnerable to becoming depleted at this stage. Listen to your body and spend time alone or with those who lift you.

Try and limit pressures to perform or be too productive. It’s a time for stillness and reflection. Try and reduce time on screens on an evening at this time

Exercise should be gentle and not too strenuous, things like yoga or walking are great at this time. Gentle flowing movements are needed. This is not a point to push yourself too hard.

Things to eat in this phase are warming nourishing foods, not cold foods like salad or iced drinks. Ginger and turmeric are good, and iron rich foods like lean meat, mussels, eggs and spinach, it’s also a good time to top up on vitamin C as this helps with iron absorption.

Spring - The Follicular Phase

The pituitary continues to produce FSH and the follicles continue to grow and produce oestradiol, which tells the pituitary to reduce production of FSH and the dominant follicle is chosen. The follicle keeps producing ostrodial which ramps up the production of LH (lutienizing hormone) which peaks for 36-48 hours and helps ovulation happen. Testosterone is starting to rise at this point too. Estrogen is helping to thicken the endometrial lining at this time too.

How do you feel at this point? You feel great! Your estrogen
is high and you are on top of the world. You want to socialise and get out and about. Your mood and brain are boosted, you have more energy and confidence. Your libido is high thanks to the testosterone, you are a power house at this point.

It’s great to plan social stuff, collaborate and start new projects take more risks, and try new things.

Move your body, you can now go for the more challenging stuff, you have tons of energy, go for it.

Well balanced meals at this point will help you keep that energy up. Watch out for blood sugar spikes as they could disturb the awaiting ovulation from happening, so try and cut down on refined sugars and processed foods here.

Summer - Ovualation

This is when LH surges and the dominant follicle burst and releases an egg into the fallopian tube, the egg survives for 12-24 hours waiting to be fertilised at this time.

You are feeling and looking more attractive at this time. (Studies show you are perceived as more attractive at this point) You are ripe and juicy and feeling fruity, libido is still high and so is confidence, life just feels a bit easier at this stage. It’s a good time to verbalise your thoughts and feelings and you are open to new ideas.

It’s a great time to schedule speaking events, networking and job interviews, go out and see friends, meet new people. You are a people magnet!

Eat lighter and more digestible foods, vegetables and leafy greens like spinach and kale or broccoli sprouts are great at this time as they help with estrogen detoxification which is important at this time.

Cervical mucus is high at this time, and it’s slippery like egg white, as it’s a super highway for sperm to reach the egg.

Autumn - The Luteal Phase

The luteal phase begins on the first day of ovulation and ends when you get your period. After the egg has burst through the follicle the follicle sack goes on to become the corpus luteum, which is bright yellow and produces our progesterone the pro- gestation hormone. This is why without ovulation we don’t produce any progesterone. It also prepares the endometrium for implantation by getting it to optimal thickness. If the egg hasn’t been fertilised that month the corpus luteum starts to break down and a period begins. Then the cycle starts again. If you feel symptoms of PMS at this time it could be a sign that you have a hormone imbalance that needs addressing.

In this phase progesterone makes us feel calm and sedates us, You may feel less social and prefer solo tasks, and prefer not to be around people. Detail orientated tasks are great at this point. Pain thresholds are lower at this time.

Be more restful and relax, don’t over task yourself, it’s a good time to take stock and listen to your intuition or to let go of things that aren’t serving you.

Move your body with restorative exercise such as yin yoga or walking in the fresh air.

At this stage metabolism is higher so you can feel hungrier and crave certain foods. Eat denser foods like sweet potatoes and root vegetables, magnesium rich foods like spinach, pumpkin seeds and almonds to help with symptoms of PMS.


Vaginal Microbiome training at Vagiversity.


Gua Sha