
Peri-Menopause In Style.

There seems to be lots of press about it at the moment, which is great, but there is a lot of misinformation out there. So here is the basic low down from Points.

It’s the years running up to Menopause, when hormone levels can fluctuate so much. Progesterone gets lower to start, this is when cycles can get a bit shorter than your usual 28ish days. Then estrogen can go up and down, then lowering, this is where your periods start to be more spaced out, right up until you haven’t had a period for a year. This is when you are in menopause. Then after that is post menopause, so you are only really in menopause for about a day!

This process doesn’t happen over night, in fact it can be up to ten years for this process to slowly happen, from around late 30’s and 40+ to the average age of menopause at 51.

Some people sail though with no symptoms at all, and some can have many symptoms such as headaches, anxiety, depression, bloating, digestive problems, aches and pains, night sweats, hot flushes, not sleeping well, dry skin, itchy skin, and many more.

There are lots of thing you can do to help, acupuncture can be really beneficial at this time, we can also give lots of dietary, supplement and lifestyle advice at Points.

There is a great app out there to help track your symptoms called the Balance app with lots of good advice on how to help. And some great advice on HRT if needed.

Whatever you do don’t suffer in silence, talk to your friends about this long hushed topic. It’s just the of reverse puberty and we don’t have a problem talking about that. I much prefer the term the second spring as it’s known in TCM.

Please get in touch if you would like any more info on treatments for Peri-pausing in style at Points.


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