Ovulation Station

Do you know if your ovulating? Or what to look out for?

If you use a BBT chart you can see when ovulation happens mid cycle when your temperature rises and stays high for a few days. But it’s hard to use this as a way to get pregnant as by the time you know you have ovulated it’s often too late to get pregnant. This is also the problem with ovulation sticks as they measure the surge in LH and this only happens at ovulation, which doesn’t give you much time to get pregnant in your fertile window. The best time to be getting fruity is in the five days before ovulation. A women is only fertile for three days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation. But sperm can works its magic for five days within that time, as it can stay alive inside a women’s body for five days.

Another great way to track if you are ovulating is your cervical mucus, when you’re fertile it’s job is to provide a helping hand to guide the sperm on its way to find your egg. Getting close to ovulation its wet and watery, and at ovulation it goes wet and stretchy like raw egg whites. It can be handy to chart this too so you can see if and when it happens at the same time each month. If so it can be a great indicator of when you’re most fertile.


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