Points Ear Seeds

Exciting news! we will soon be launching our ear seeds packs.

If you come to my clinic you will know that most people leave with these wonderful ear seeds. They are such a good tool for in-between treatments or they are a great acupressure treatment in there own right.

It’s called auricular acupuncture and it works by stimulating a microsystem in the ear, every point in the ear corresponds with points in the body. It does this by stimulating the central nervous system and changing messages to the brain.

It can help with stress, digestion, insomnia, hormones, pain and anxiety. They are so easy to use and great for people who don’t want to try needles.

You simply place the seeds on certain points in the ear and leave them on for about a week. For an extra boost you can massage the seed at anytime.

The packs will come with information on where to stick the seeds for different conditions such as stress, anxiety, digestion, fertility, hormones and sleep.

We can’t wait for you to get your hands on our Points ears seeds.


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