Fertility - How we can Help

Fertility Help - Getting the right tests done.

It’s often a hard and confusing road knowing what to do and who can help. We are here to show you the way. You can feel like you are pushed from pillar to post on your fertility journey. Some tests get taken but you are not always informed about the results, you are told everything seems fine and we don’t know why you are not getting pregnant. This is frustrating and upsetting to hear.

We always like to dig deep and find out what is going on with your body to find out why you are not getting pregnant We do what we call a fertility MOT. We look at the tests that have already been done, sometimes we recommend that some more are taken such as the vaginal microbiome test and thyroid tests. These are not tests that are done on a routine fertility panel. But they can make a massive difference to your fertility and hormone health. We are here to guide you through the whole process.

Fertility Help - Diet.

Within the fertility MOT on your first consultation at Points we look at diet, as most people are missing some of the key nutrients to get pregnant, the soil must be fertile for the seed to grow. Protein and healthy fats are key to a fertility-friendly diet, we will work together to make sure you are getting enough of these foods in your diet.

Fertility Help - Supplements

It can be a minefield out there to know what to take, we work with the best in the business to make sure you are taking the right ones. As it’s not one size fits all in this area, what works for one person may not be needed by the next.

Fertility Help - Acupuncture

And last but by no means least, acupuncture of course. It balances your hormones if they are out of whack, increases blood flow to the reproductive organs and helps to de-stress you. Which is important when it comes to fertility see below.

For a little bit more science - the activity of the ovaries and testes are controlled by the Hypothalamic-Pituiary-Gonadal Axis the Hypothalamic-Pituiary-Tesicular -Axis in men and the Hypothalamic-Pituiary-Ovarian Axis in women, the HPGA is the messaging system within the body where the brain, central nervous system, ovaries and testes all communicate with each other, this system can easily get out of balance and acupuncture has been found to re-balance this system and help the body make the right amount of these hormones, and keep them at optimum levels to promote fertility.

Fertility Help - Stress

We take a look at your stress levels, we all have some stress in our lives in today’s busy world, but there are lots of things we can do to manage that stress. Stress is a fertility baddy as too much cortisol lowers progesterone and progesterone is the pro-gestation hormone needed to prepare the uterus ready for implantation. We work with you to find ways to deal with stress and find ways to chill.

Fertility Help - Sleep

Sleep is such an important piece of the puzzle, it’s when we heal and refresh our body’s systems. Without it we not only feel rubbish, but things don’t work properly, this causes stress on your body which effects your hormone levels. Things that can help are making sure you get some morning sunlight on your face, getting outside for a walk in the morning, winding down in an evening, not eating after 8.00 and keeping of phones and laptops after 8.00 too. Try reading a book before bed or having a lovely soak in the bath before bed,

If you would like any more information or to just have a chat about how we can help you on your fertility journey please email us here.


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